04.05.2005 3:26 p.m.
I'm so lucky and New toy!

I am a lucky, lucky girl.

Not only do I have a sleep disorder that usually occurs in elderly men, I've now been experiencing a new one that generally only occurs in small children.

For about the past week, I've been having night terrors a few nights a week. I wake up suddenly from a dream, and KNOW I'm awake, but I still see either spiders or threatening mists or figures of people... They look SO REAL that I end up screaming and/or swearing, my heart starts racing and I'm nearly paralyzed with fear.


I actually slept with the small lamp that sits on my nightstand on for a few hours last night. After a few times of being startled awake and seeing things, though, I figured it would save time if I just kept the light on rather than turning it on each time to make sure what I was seeing wasn't actually there.

The sites I looked at this morning said the best way to prevent night terrors is to keep the light on for a few hours when you first go to bed.

Unfortunately, there's that whole not-being-able-to-sleep with the light on thing. Normally I can't sleep when there's any sort of light, not only in the same room but also in the same general vicinity. Even when my step-daughter has a nightlight or her angel light on during the night (down the hall from our bedroom), I am definitely more wakeful than I am when she's not there.


This had better stop soon, or I'll be completely nuts and in a loony bin in no time.


Did I mention I bought a laptop on Saturday?

It's normally $999, but it had $200 in rebates and 12 months interest-free if you put it on your Circuit City card. But, the deal was only good until April 2nd at 9 PM when the store closed. I bought it at about 7:30 PM. W00t! I needed time to debate the pros and cons of giving myself more debt to pay off and finally owning something I've wanted for at least two years and would have bought before going back to school next year anyway.

So far, I love this little thing. It has everything I was looking for in a Dell 600m notebook, plus some extras, for about $700 less than a Dell.

If you haven't clicked on the link above, let me point out some of the lovely features this little guy has:

-80 GB hard drive
-512 DDR Memory
-built-in wireless
-DVD/CD re-writeable and player
-a slot in the front for my SD card from my digital camera for easier downloads
-3 USB ports
-It's only 4.5 LBS.!!! That'll make transporting it to and from school super easy!


The best part is that if when I get a paid writing gig this year, it becomes tax deductible.


Now all I need is a printer that actually works, and I'll be all set!

Hopefully after I blow this pop stand and get out of the gym, I can go home and play with it a bit more.

Umm...that sounds kinda dirty. You all know I'm talking about my laptop, right?

Get your minds out of the gutter!

And have a nice day!


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