04.12.2005 8:14 a.m.
Murphy strikes again

Hooray, Murphy's Law!

I think that Murphy person hates me.

Or maybe God does.

Maybe it's just Mr. SG's job.

So, the client he's been working with for the past eight months or so, the one who wanted him to leave his job with his current company to come work for them a few months ago, has decided that they want someone else.

Okay. That's fine. He's already been assigned to another client. (One of the four or so who were clamoring for him.)

But, this client is having a conversion at the end of April. He was scheduled to work from Thursday through Sunday of the last weekend in April.

You would think, since technically he won't work there at the end of the month, that they might find someone to replace him at this conversion.

But, no.

Not so much.

Then, someone asked him if he was taking next week off. He said, "Yes, I am." without really thinking about it.

When he e-mailed me and told me, and asked if I could take a couple days off to spend some quality time with him, I reminded him that Officemate will be gone for a Series 7 class all next week. There's no way in hell the powers that be would even let me take one day off. So, so much for that.



Well, he just called. He's going to try to work something out to where he'll have Thursday and Friday next week off, plus Monday through Wednesday of the following week.

If he can get it approved, I can actually take one or two days off, I think.


I'm not holding my breath, though. These things have a way of not working out for us.


Next entry will be a pictorial one. Woo!


If anyone doesn't know yet, allow me to be the first to tell you that JOURNALCON 2005 is on, baby!!!! The husband and I are so there.

Listening to: Beck - Guero If you don't have this CD, run out RIGHT NOW and buy it.
Reading: Freelance writer websites


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