04.05.2005 11:07 a.m.
Irish surgery update

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I got a puppy update from the ex yesterday afternoon...

Oh the poor Irish Dog.

I took her in this morning for her surgery. She was excited, hopping on her three legs but she knew something was up.

I took her in to the new, strange, vet place and we had the consultation in between barks. This is what I know:

1. Irish will have a cast until
a) it falls off
b) she eats it
c) she eats it and makes it fall off or
d) I can�t stand it anymore. Two or three days.

2. Irish should not attempt to remove the staples herself. The Lampshade may be necessary.

3. Irish will progress from hopping, to "toe down only," to gimping, to walking over a period of 1-4 weeks. She should be back to normal in under 2 months.

4. Irish will need Tylenol + Codeine for a couple days. Then just regular drugs as necessary.

5. Irish will be bald for a while on the leg area.

6. She has to stay overnight and I will pick her up around 11 tomorrow.

The vet called me after the surgery to report that everything went fine and that no other damage was present. Her arthritis was diagnosed as "mild." By the way, the vet was very matter-of-fact but also quite good about answering all the questions that I had. I can see why she is highly recommended. She did a nice job explaining things and told me that I can call the emergency number at any time for anything.

I went to check on her just now. She is in a concrete kennel and very groggy. She did recognize me though and really wanted to go home. She howled and bayed and cried when I finally had to leave. I left her one of my T-shirts for the night.

According to the doc, she is in good shape and has every positive going for her. She looked very sad to me though. She has a toe-to-hip cast on that is red and a pink front paw bandage for the I.V. They also had the nerve to put "USE CAUTION" on her cage. (Good Dog).

Well, it broke my heart to leave her there overnight but I guess that is what she has to do to make sure she recovers from the drugs and doesn't do any real damage to herself just yet. Poor puppy.

So, it sounds like things went well. I'm sure she'll be very glad to be home when he picks her up today. I'm going to wait a few days to go see her, to let her recuperate a bit before she gets all excited again.

Thanks again for all the support and kind words and good thoughts. They are much appreciated.

Listening to: 97.9 WGRD
Reading: nothing


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