08.27.2005 2:44 p.m.
A theft and JournalCon pimping

I would like to report a crime.

A theft, to be exact.

For as long as I can remember, my sneezes have always come in twos. ALWAYS. Without fail. If I sneezed once, and didn't sneeze again right away, I knew it would be coming at some point in the near future, most likely at a time when I would least expect it...which might actually lead to me sneezing stuff onto say...my steering wheel.

(Not that I've ever sneezed stuff onto my steering wheel. That anyone ever witnessed, anyway.)

But, back to my story. So, I've always sneezed in twos. Lately, I've been sneezing my damn fool head off. I think the ragweed count is high or something. Or pollen. Or just about anything that lives or grows outside, as I am allergic to pretty much all of it. And yet, I have only been sneezing once.

The strange thing is that Mr. Science-Girl, who used to sneeze only in ones or threes, has now begun to sneeze in twos.

I think he might be stealing my second sneeze.

Or, it might be off in that foreign land with all the mates of the bastard socks that end up in my dryer.

Either way, it's weird, it's new, and I don't like it.


I have been ordered to pimp out JournalCon 2005, so here you go:

A link to last year's recap: JournalCon DC.

Here's information about this year's event: JournalCon San Diego.

You should totally go.


Because I've already requested (online, no less) four songs for karaoke and have actually made a CD that I'm playing and singing along with in my car. You know, to practice. (Which will probably help, unless I get very, very drunk at karaoke, and my somewhat-close-to-perfect-pitch gets shot to hell.)

But that's yet another reason to come! Will I get up there and sound good, or make a total ass of myself?!?! You'll only know if you're there to witness it!

Plus, dude...check out the hotel. It looks beautiful!

And, it's San Diego.

Side trip to Tijuana, anyone?

Listening to: Margaret Cho - The Notorious C.H.O. (which makes me laugh hysterically while I'm driving)
Reading: Parents and Parenting magazine. No, I don't have anything to announce. They're for research.


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