08.16.2005 9:29 p.m.
Some things never change

While at the credit union today at lunch, I swear I saw this lady who used to teach the on-road driving portion of driver's ed when I was in school.

This woman was an interesting person to be teaching driver's ed. First of all, she was mildly cranky. All. The. Time. She'd yell at us for the dumbest things.

Secondly, she used to make us drive her around town so she could run whatever little errands she needed to run. Like when she made us drive to her house so she could let her dogs out. Or something.

And then, today, there she was...at my credit union. She was there, having been driven in a car with a "Whatever Driver's Training" sign on the door and a young-looking girl at the wheel.

It's good to know that some things never change.

Listening to: Britney Spears - In the Zone (yes, I am ashamed)
Reading: Eleven On Top - Janet Evanovich


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