12.13.2004 5:29 p.m.
Movies and money


It's been nearly a week since I've written! And it's not like I've been on vacation or out of the country or tied up in a closet or anything.

I've just been...busy, I guess.

I was going to stop here for a second last week to post an entry inquiring as to whether it's supposed to be "winter" or the "rainy season" right now. Last night gave me my answer. Snow EVERYWHERE!

Oh well. At least it wasn't nearly as bad as the previous winter storm we had a few weeks ago. That one SUCKED.


Let's see... weekend?

Didn't do a whole lot.

Bought The Bourne Identity and The Bourne Supremacy and watched both. We'd seen TBI before, but wanted to refresh our memories. They both ROCKED!

Why do I get the feeling that if I ever got amnesia, I'd somehow discover that I used to breed cattle or something instead of being a super cool spy-person?

We also watched Seabiscuit. LOVED IT.

The scene of the wild mustangs, and even the ones of Seabiscuit running full-out through the long grass in front of the autumn trees both gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. There is just something about both a horse running by itself as well as a horse and rider running seemingly as one entity that just gives me chills. It's beautiful and powerful. It's like visual poetry.

That, of course, led my husband to inform me that President Bush signed a rider that will be added to the 1971 Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act. "The new law lets the animals be sold, potentially for use as meat in foreign markets, if they are more than 10 years old or, if younger, after they have been offered unsuccessfully for adoption three times. It also requires any money from sales to go to the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management adoption program for wild horses and burros." (From here.)


(Dear God I hate that man.)


Remember when I got the e-mail about winning the $500 American Express shopping spree from that survey I get pretty much monthly?

Well, it turns out it wasn't a hoax. I came home tonight to find a Fed Ex package with 10 $50 "gift cheques" in it sitting in the snow on our front porch. (When there's a totally clear step by the side door...why?) I'll have to set them out to see if they dry a bit.


I hope everyone had a super lovely weekend...

Hopefully you'll see my name highlighted tomorrow at some point...

Listening to: the kitties knocking shit around in the bathroom to let me know they want a drink
Reading: Stiff
Feeling: heartburn-y


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