12.03.2004 12:55 p.m.
Dress talk

I picked up my prettyprettypretty green dress from the dry cleaner yesterday. It's SPOTLESS! I'm so pleased to know I definitely got a good deal on it after all.

To review: It was on clearance for $30, sold to me for $20 after I pointed out the marks, and dry cleaned for $10.26. That's probably half of what I generally pay for the dresses for my boss's Christmas parties.

Of course, then there was the jewelry... But that really wasn't all that much, either.

It boggles my mind how a dress that has most likely gone from a warehouse into (what should be a relatively clean) truck into a store can have what looks like grease and various other marks on it. Of course, that's what happened to what became my wedding dress (AKA a prom dress from Sears) as well.

I commented to my husband before I bought the dress last Sunday, "I wonder if someone put on this dress and then went out into the parking lot and rubbed around on a truck axle or something?" Seriously. Or maybe someone ate some greasy chicken and then tried it on.

Who knows?

All I care about is that it's fekkin' gorgeous and I get to wear it tomorrow night. W00t! (After going out tomorrow and buying some type of lingerie/shapewear to wear under said dress which will lead people to believe that my body is much better than it actually is. That's not lying, right? It's just "improving upon the truth".)

Of course, because we'll be dressing up all purty and eating delicious free food and drinking free booze, we won't have Alex tomorrow night.

So, we get her tonight instead.

Apparently we HAVE to watch Frosty the Snowman on TV tonight.

No problem! If it's boring I can always read my lovely book about dead people. *grin*

Listening to: silence
Reading: Stiff: The Amazing Lives of Human Cadavers
Feeling: fine and dandy


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