12.15.2004 3:09 p.m.
Not so much writing and Happy things

Yeah...not so much with the highlighted name yesterday.

It was REALLY freaking busy at work. Like, so busy that every time I thought about making a quick run to the bank and to get food, we'd get three or four more files and I'd be stuck here for another 45 minutes or so.

And then I actually took my sorry ass to the gym last night, so there was no writing after work. W00t!

Of course, I forgot to bring a towel, which completely sucked.


Anyway...enough excuses.

On to today...

You know what's fun?

Coughing all the damn time because I'm sick again (or is it "still"?).

You know why?

Because then I end up drinking about 4 liters of water by 1 pm and have to make bathroom trips about every 10 minutes. For HOURS.

I am REALLY incredibly tired of peeing.

Depends sound like a dandy idea right now.

Good think the bathroom is right across the hall from my office. Otherwise there might end up being an accident. Or not.


Guess what?

I'm SO excited!

Guess why?

I bought my husband's and my Christmas gifts to each other a few nights ago. Want to see?

They're titanium and silver rings. Yay!! I'll probably wear mine on my right hand, and he'll probably wear his in place of his wedding band on occasion.

I've wanted a titanium ring for FOREVER!!


I'm excited for another reason, too.

In January, I will finally be seeing a musical that I've wanted to see since I was 17, when the choir I was in sang one of the songs from it at my high school graduation.

Yup, that's 8 long years of waiting.

I'm as excited to see that as I was about seeing David Sedaris, if that tells you anything.


So, despite me not writing in here enough, things are going relatively well for me. I go back to the doctor tomorrow afternoon for a med check. I think I'll be asking for something a bit stronger than the 20 mg Ritalin SR I'm on (even if I am taking it 3 times a day). I think I'll also try not to be a wuss this time so I can actually ask for a Z Pack or something for my cold/pneumonia/bronchitis/mystery crap of death. I'm quite tired of coughing and hacking.

Yes indeedy.

Things are good.

If only I would hurry up and get the rest of my Christmas shopping done!

Listening to: Officemate talking to a friend on the phone
Reading: Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers
Feeling: like taking an afternoon nap


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