08.25.2004 10:38 a.m.



Ow ow ow ow ow ow.

Cramps are kicking my ass today. It feels like someone is taking all my girlie internal organs, tying them into a knot, and then jumping up and down on them.

I took 4 Advil as soon as I got to work this morning, but they seem to have worn off. I think it might be time to get into the more potent drugs. Otherwise, I might spend the rest of today curled up in the fetal position on the floor behind my desk.

And then I couldn't do my work.

And we wouldn't want that, would we?



If you clicked on a link to me in someone's entry about JournalCon, feel free to go here to get my take on it. It's REALLY long. Just so you know.


And now I think it's time to do some Lamaze breathing.

Happy Wednesday.

Food I'm craving: A french dip sub
Song in my head this morning: "Mocking Bird" - Megan Slankard


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