08.24.2004 1:10 p.m.
The reality vs. fantasy of my day off

I had so many big plans for my day off yesterday. I was going to take clothes to the dry cleaners, and take both mine and the child's clothes to consignment places. I planned to go to the gym.

So, so many big plans.

So what did I end up doing? I laid in bed and watched TV with my husband until about 1 PM. Then he had to get up and get ready, so he could be in Grand Rapids for a meeting at 3 PM. Boo.

I tried to convince him to stay. It didn't work.

I thought I'd get so much stuff done after he left.

But, not so much.

Instead, I did a couple loads of laundry, fed the cats, and laid on the couch while watching TV and movies. Woo!

I made myself dinner last night consisting of one piece of whole wheat bread, some microwaved shredded BBQ chicken, and shredded cheddar cheese.

It's called "bachelor cooking," people. Creativity is required. Then I had a piece of carrot cake that I found in the fridge.

I've got to eat all the bread products in our house before we start the South Beach diet next week, dontcha know.

Throw them away? What? Are you kidding?


I was reminded last night that certain things are made more traumatic by PMS.

PMS + Emergency Vets = sobbing

PMS + Uptown Girls = sobbing

I was a ball of fun last night, I'm sure. At least it was only the cats who had to witness it.

Tonight I plan to work out at the gym, followed by going home to do another load of laundry and possibly painting something.

Woo. Fun.

Is it time for JournalCon again?

Food I'm craving: nothing
Song in my head right now: "Dancing on the ceiling"


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