08.13.2004 11:38 a.m.
Sex drives and excitement

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

It's Friday!!!


Now only if it were Friday at 5 o'clock....that'd be even better.

Oh well. Only 6 more hours.

God, it seemed like a short time until I said that. Dammit.


So, you know how I started taking Wellbutrin?? Well, it's working. Hooray! Hooray for me! Hooray for my husband! Hooray for sex drives!!!

I actually feel like a normal person again. Craziness!

And I think the Paxil CR is all I need for keeping my anxiety under control. I had one little panic attack while driving home from the gym a couple weeks ago, but other than that, it's been pretty smooth sailing.


We seem to be missing a fish. We bought two each of 4 different species, and one of the vertically-striped blue ones (not to be confused with the horizontally-striped blue ones) is MIA. We don't know if Callie went fishing at some point when she was hanging out on top of the aquarium, or if it jumped out and she ate it, or what. If the other fish killed it, though, there would be evidence. Little fishy parts. Remains. This fish is just totally gone. All of it.


I guess this will always remain a mystery.


I'm excited for this weekend. Not even for the weekend in general. I'm actually most excited about seeing these crazy kids again. We're going to dinner with them on Sunday night!

*does a little happy dance*

I'm so excited!



Food I'm craving: falafel on pita
Song in my head this morning: the damn theme song to Inspector Gadget. I have no idea why.


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