07.12.2004 8:26 a.m.
Kitty wishes and Longer Weekend Dreams

First and foremost: I want this kitty more than anything. I might give my left arm for this kitty. He is the cutest damn thing EVER. And his motor...rumble rumble rumble...it sounds like it takes up his whole body.


I really need to stop going to the pet supply store when I know there are puppies and kitties there. It breaks my heart to leave them all there in their cages.


So, this weekend. Good parts and not-so-good parts.

Saturday morning was my doctor's appointment. She put me on 175 mg Wellbutrin SR once a day for three days, then twice a day. I have to wean myself off the Paxil CR by taking one every other day for a week, then one every three days. I can always stay on it twice a week if my anxiety gets too bad. Woo!

I'm sort of afraid to go completely off the Paxil. It's kind of like my security blanket.

I'm amazed that I went from "I don't want to have to take a pill every day in order to be NORMAL!" to "I can't stop taking my Paxil! I'll be nuts again!"

(Usually, though, the former thought was always followed by "Then again, I don't really want my husband to have to come home from a business trip to find a desk chair in the shower, my decomposing body and bits of brain and bone everywhere, either." Therefore anti-depressants = brilliant idea.)

Best bit of the anti-depressant portion of the doctor's appointment:

Physician Assistant: Do you have any plans to hurt yourself or anyone else?

Me: I'm going to the gym later. That might hurt. Does that count?

She looked at my mole, too, and said it looks like it's trying to become a skin tag. She said, "Oh yeah. We'll remove that. We can do it when you come back for your med check in a month. We'll just numb it up, cut it off, and probably use a chemical instead of a stitch to cauterize it. Then we'll send it in."

I asked, "Numbing? How is that done? Lidocaine?"

She said, "Why? Are you allergic to lidocaine?"

I said, "No. I just hate needles."

She said, "Well, the needle we use for this is tiny. You'll be okay."

By saying that, she pretty much guaranteed that I'll be sobbing hysterically when it comes to that part of the next appointment. Joy!

Oh well. I'm sure I'll live.

So, keep your fingers crossed that the new meds work the way I'd like them to. I want weight loss, more energy, and a better sex drive, dammit!


After the doctor, I went to Target. Evil, evil Target, with their clearance on swimsuits and workout gear! $109 later, I left there with all sorts of good stuff, including new work pants, a couple new tops to wear at the gym, a swimsuit that cost me less than $14 for the whole thing, new headphones to listen to on the elliptical, a new gym bag, some granola bars, and a bottle of Glucosamine and Chondroiton (which is highly recommended by lovely-freak). Whoo hoo!

After that, I went to Walgreens and got my prescription filled (while sitting down near the pharmacy and reading my book, so I wouldn't wander around and find stuff to buy), then went home. I was going to change and go to the gym, but I ended up changing into workout clothes and mowing the lawn (while sweating like a pig).

After finishing that, I showered and got ready AGAIN, and went to get some food. The new Market Fresh Chicken Salad sandwich from Arby's is DELICIOUS!

Then I pretty much watched movie after movie while waiting for my lovely husband to get home from his stupid, stupid business trip. Stupid. *grin*

Bet you can't guess how I feel about the fact that he had to go to a meeting-thing on a WEEKEND, can you?


Sunday involved fun Paxil withdrawal symptoms, sleeping in, doing a load of laundry, and finally having dinner with friends that we hadn't seen in about a year. (The Best Man at our wedding, his wife, and their 9-1/2 month old daughter, whose name we STILL can't remember.) Then an early bedtime.


I think I need another day to my weekend.


Oh, and...guess who I get to meet this week? The lovely Teri! Yay!!!

Food I'm craving: pineapple, in any form. Fresh pineapple, dried pineapple, pineapple juice, etc.
Song in my head: "Your Body is a Wonderland" - John Mayer


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