08.16.2004 1:10 p.m.
Denial and Fun and Expectations!

I've been coughing and sneezing more than usual today, and my head and lungs seem to be filled with more phlegm than normal, but I'm trying to ignore all that.


(Even though I have a history of getting sick right before/during a vacation.)


I'm trying to focus instead on what a lovely time the husband and I had with our dear, dear friends at dinner last night. Diva and her Man Unit are hilarious in their diaries, and even more so in person. You know how when you laugh really hard and smile for a long time, your cheeks hurt?

Well, my cheeks got quite a workout last night. Good times were had. I'm already looking forward to the next time we get together with them.

And next time we won't wait so long in between, right?


The husband is gone this week. At a client site.

Boo! Hiss!

Oh well.

It'll give me time to go to the gym after work, and sweat until I drop.

It'll give me time to see what I can create with my new canvases, brushes, and acrylic paints. (I'm most excited for this, I think.)

Maybe I'll even do a bit of weeding out clothes from both mine and the child's closets and drawers. I'm thinking a trip to the consignment shop is in order. (My mind is once again shouting "TOO MUCH STUFF in this house!!!")

And then he returns on Thursday night, and we leave practically in the middle of the night for Lansing, so we can fly to Washington D.C. and JOURNALCON!!!!

I can't even tell you how excited I am about going and meeting all these people that are practically celebrities to me. Woo! TranceJen, Miss Doxie, Weetabix, and so many others. I just hope I don't do my usual dorky meeting-new-people thing and turn bright red and start stammering.

At least my husband will be there. I can have him say, "Really, she's much cooler than this usually. Please just ignore the drool and glassy eyes."


4 more days! 4 more days! 4 more days! (Hear that, Jen? You ready for some rockin' cat-sitting?)

Food I'm craving: the motherfreaking blueberry pie in the kitchen


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