05.20.2004 9:50 a.m.
"I can't find the pee!"

Remember how our little kitty, Azrael, was sick? Well, she's now almost done with her THIRD round of antibiotics, and she started crying again the other night. And peeing in strange places. Poor kitty. :-(

After she peed on a non-absorbent brochure about shingles the other night (research for our summer project), my husband got a baggie and put the pee in it, so he could take it in to be analyzed.

This morning, before he left to drive to East Lansing (and the small animal clinic), he came upstairs and said, "I can't find the pee!"

"Well, where did you have it?"

"I thought it was in my laptop bag, but now I don't see it."

Then, he started looking in the places you'd normally look when you lose your bag of cat pee...his nightstand (YUM!), pockets of his pants, etc.

I suggested the refrigerator, but he told me he WOULDN'T PUT it in there. (Apparently that's just for blood he's drawn from someone that he needs to take in later.)

After much hunting, he finally found it on the shelves in the family room downstairs.

Yeah. It was an interesting morning.


On the JournalCon front, guess what???

My husband was listening to the radio on his way to the client site this morning, and he heard about a new airline that's going to come to Lansing, which will fly to Washington D.C. (Did you catch that, YOU and YOU?)

Guess what the flight will cost?



We were He was thinking about driving to DC to save a little on getting there, but now we don't have to! We just have to wait until July to book our flights, so we can get the special deal. WHOO HOO!

See? The universe WANTS me to party at JournalCon with all you rockin' kids!

I'm SO glad it's Thursday. Now I'm gonna get to work.

Food I'm craving: cookies, cakes, milkshakes, sundaes


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