05.21.2004 9:19 a.m.
Thoughts and more thoughts

In lieu of writing a totally incoherant entry, I'll just go for the bulleted format today.

-Is it 5 yet?

-My nails look like my step-daughter painted them. Apparently my patented "paint all over your fingers and then get the excess off in the shower in the morning" method doesn't work 100% of the time.

-I spent $70 on prescriptions this morning. Dear God. I'm highly medicated.

-Health care costs in this country SUCK.

-Is it 5 yet?

-I want some doughnuts. My packet o oatmeal didn't really fill me up.

-Strange dreams last night. Slept okay, though.

-I'm so glad my fever went away last night. I started at 100.7 degrees F when I got home from work, but after napping for about an hour and a half, it finally started going down.

-I'm not getting sick. I'm not getting sick. I'm not getting sick.

-Really, I'm not.

-Is it 5 yet?

-I need another job. Or someone to just give me money for no reason.

-Yeah, that last thing would be good. "Here! Have $1,000!"

-I think I'm actually going to make a $400 payment on my credit card today. GO ME!

HAPPY FRIDAY! Have a lovely weekend!

Food I'm craving: doughnuts. and doughnut holes. And creme-filled doughnuts.
Song in my head: "S-A T-U-R D-A-Y NIGHT!"


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