06.23.2003 9:00 a.m.

If you missed my previous entries (Yes, I actually UPDATED during the weekend!), they are here and here.


I forgot to mention the fun fact that my mother-in-law tried to kill me yesterday. Well, okay, she didn't actually try to kill me, but she COULD HAVE!

I had a headache when we got to the zoo, so I asked her if she had any aspirin or anything. She whipped out her pill container with multi-colored drugs in it, and pulled out a reddish colored one. She said, "This is generic Advil, if you want that." So, I took it. I still had a headache a couple hours later, but I just attributed that to the fact that I usually have to take like 4 Advil before I get any relief. When I went to the bathroom a bit later, though, I realized something wasn't right.

My pee was BRIGHT ORANGE!!!

It was COLORFUL! I thought, "Oh dear, that's not good! What on earth have I been eating?" I came out of the bathroom and told my husband that my pee was orange, and my mother-in-law overheard me.

She said, "Oh my god! I know why that is! The pill I gave you must have been one of the ones I got a long time ago for a bladder infection! Sorry! It won't hurt you or anything." Then she gave me a hug and apologized profusely.

I said, "Hey, I saw a pretty green pill in there...maybe I should take that to see what happens!" Heh. I didn't take anything else.

It took until this morning for my pee to return to a more normal color, and now that it has, I can laugh about the whole experience.


Heh. Heh.

See? That's me laughing about it.




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