12.30.2005 7:49 p.m.
A rare update

Dang. Who was really bored on December 17th? That day I had 445 pageviews with only 8 unique hosts. Hmm...now I'm paranoid and sort of want to lock up. Anyone want to confess?


It's New Year's Eve Eve, and I'm sitting on the couch in a sweatshirt and sweatpants listening to Mr. Science Girl and The Child play Concentration/Memory with a regular deck of playing cards. Every 30 seconds or so The Child will utter a sentence that, in essence, means "Can I cheat?" She also picks all the cards up and puts them back in a different spot to make it harder for Mr. SG. It's amusing and frustrating at the same time, and I'm not even the one playing.

Kids are silly.


For the past week I have had a horrible earache in my right ear. I've been taking DayQuil every 3 to 4 hours while I'm awake and for a while that was taking care of it. Today, though, it just wasn't cutting it. At all.

It felt like someone was stabbing me with an icepick through my eardrums and into my brain every five seconds. It didn't limit itself to the right ear, either. My right ear hurt WAY more than the left, but the left ear was also getting in on the pain.

There were a couple hours in the afternoon that I was moments away from crying. Then I took half an 800 mg Vic0din, and once it kicked in (an hour and a half later), my ears finally stopped with the blinding intense pain, and quieted down to a dull ache.

This is one of those times when I'm quite glad I made a doctor's appointment for early tomorrow morning. Even though the thought of anyone sticking anything in my ear right now makes me want to burst into tears, the hope that I might get a) some good drugs and/or b) something to make it better ensures that I will be making sure my happy ass gets up tomorrow.

The really craptastic part of this whole thing is the fact that right now my ears hurt way too much to put the earbuds from my brand spankin' new kick-ass iPod into them. Damn it!

I just hope I feel better by tomorrow night, when we will be spending some quality time with a co-worker and her husband that we usually only see for any length of time but once a year. I'm thinking it'll be fun, if my ears and my poor battered immune system cooperate.

Happy New Year, every one!

Listening to: some Looney Tunes movie The Child was just DYING to watch
Reading: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey


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