10.25.2005 9:40 p.m.
JournalCon 2005 - Part II

Thursday - October 20th - AM

Mr. SG and I woke up at an ungodly hour after several hours of tossing and turning and started getting ready. My sister's fiance showed up to take us to the airport early, while I was still running around naked and getting clothes together. Oops. (Quick shout out: Not only did he design my new template, he also got up practically in the middle of the night to take us to the airport by 5 AM. He's a good guy.)

I finished throwing shit in my suitcase, took a few minutes to give Azrael some medicine, and off we went.

It wasn't until later that day that I realized I'd forgotten to pack any more socks than the ones I was wearing. YUM!

The flights were relatively uneventful, unless you include the pilots attempting to make us all ill by flying into as much turbulence as possible. We saw Batman Begins on our flight from Cincinnati to San Diego, which was cool, since we had both wanted to see it anyway.

Once we got to the airport in San Diego, I tried to remember what flight Weetabix said she'd be on to see if we could catch a ride with her. After waiting for two flights I thought might be hers, we ended up catching a cab to the hotel. Like I told my husband, my memory is AWESOME. Good thing we weren't relying on it for anything important, like a sequence of numbers to deactivate a bomb or something.

When the cab pulled up to the hotel, I was amazed at how beautiful it was. The Con Committee this year did an excellent job of picking the location. Although now I sort of wish my house was connected to a giant shopping complex. It's probably a damn good thing it's not.

After checking in and figuring out what furniture I wanted to steal from the hotel room (headboard, nightstands, desks, leather ottoman) we chilled in the Heavenly Bed for a bit and watched TV. One of us jumped out of bed every three minutes or so to switch the CDs that we were burning. (Next year, I will do my very best to start working on swag BEFORE the night before we leave.)

Once we got hungry enough, we made our very first trip to the food court of the Horton Plaza mall. We got Boston fish sandwiches and fries from Boston & Maine Fish Co. There are no words to describe the deliciousness of our meals. I'm drooling now just thinking about it. SO. GOOD.

After we ate, we walked around the mall for a bit, looking in shops and enjoying the gorgeous weather. After a while I had to remind Mr. SG that we still needed to take a nap before we went to the cabaret show, so we headed back to the room and did just that.

Around 5 PM we woke up and took a shower so we could head downstairs to meet other people at 5:45 PM. It was a mini-squee fest when we saw the beautiful Mare, who I just wanted to hug forever; DebSiobhan, who always offers more than meets the eye; Pratt, who wore the kickass "bunnies doin' it" watch again in addition to the fabulous Weetabix, the lovely and talented Minarae and the always lovely Petrouchka. It seems like I'm forgetting a couple of people, and for that I apologize.

Okay, this is getting WAY too long. I think I'll put the rest into a separate entry. In the meantime, check out JournalCon photos here.

Reading: Ghost Walk by Heather Graham


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