10.25.2005 7:42 p.m.
JournalCon 2005 - Part I

Alas, JournalCon 2005 is over.

I must say, it was a DAMN. GOOD. TIME.

Damn good.

Anything that starts out with seeing drag queens at a cabaret show HAS to be fun.

So, here's the recap. (Please feel free to find yourself a beverage and a snack, as this might get a tad long.)

Wednesday - October 19th

Wednesday was not technically part of JournalCon, but I'm including it anyway. Why? Because I did the majority of my getting ready for JournalCon the night before. Hooray for procrastination.

That day at work I made three lists: one of shows to TiFaux while we were gone, one of clothes and other items to bring and another of things I had to do before we left. That third list was rather long.

I went to get my hair cut after work, swung by Meijer to get some CD labels to finish my swag and other items, and ran to my sister's house to try on some bathing suits so I could borrow one for the fancy schmancy pool at our hotel. As soon as I got home I finalized the CD mix for my swag, and got started making labels. (The Maxell CD Label Maker kit that I bought rocks the freaking house. I highly recommend it.)

After getting some of the clothes I knew I'd be taking together, I started burning CDs. And burning CDs. And burning CDs. I got most of my stuff together that night, which made getting ready in the morning much less difficult. Good thing, too, since I was up until midnight or so burning CDs, when we had to get up at 3:45 AM to catch our flight in the morning.

Reading: Ghost Walk by Heather Graham


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