07.05.2005 9:33 a.m.
Lying is wrong, right?

We had Alex this weekend after not seeing her for a month, thanks to my husband's work schedule and the every-other-weekend custody thing.

Apparently we are the only ones who actually have rules for her, or who bother to let her know when something she's doing is inappropriate.

During the month we didn't see her, she became a pathological liar.

Fun, right?

It seems like her going to church nearly every week would have done something more useful than to teach her "Jesus Loves Me" (which she sings over and over and over and over again). Seems like they could have taught her that lying is wrong. Maybe they could have told her liars go to hell or something. I don't know.

I swear about 50,000 times this weekend she would say "It happened all by itself."

Her shoes came untied by themselves. Repeatedly.

That little box of Fruit Loops opened all by itself.

The last piece on the lint roller came off all by itself.

The tie on her shirt came untied all by itself. Repeatedly.

Finally, after she'd untied the tie on her shirt for the umpteenth time that day, I sat her on the floor at Best Buy (where we happened to be), got down to her level, looked her right in the eyes and said very slowly and firmly, "Do. Not. Lie."

Magically, the shirt didn't come untied again after that, "all by itself" or otherwise.

I know she's only 4, but she has to learn that a) lying is wrong, and b) you need to take personal responsibility for what you've done.

Maybe kindegarten will be a better teacher than church has been regarding right and wrong.

Or, maybe her mom will spend a little more time with her and use some of that time to parent.

Or, maybe Gramma could try not spoiling her rotten and letting her get away with anything and everything.

Then again, maybe I could use her line...

"Work...burned down...all by itself."


Or not.*

*Note to the Comcast Cable subscriber in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey who left me a comment about your 12 year old reading my diary: I have no control over who reads this. I'm not going to set something up that says "You must be 18 to read this." Also, I am very sarcastic. Occasionally I exaggerate or use sarcasm to make things more funny than they are. Read my disclaimer. If you don't like it, leave. If you don't like your child reading it, monitor their internet usage more closely. If I were you, though, I wouldn't worry too much about me. There is stuff on the internet that is much worse than me trying to funny.

Listening to: Coldplay - X&Y
Reading: Nothing at the moment


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