06.28.2005 2:17 p.m.
I'm not nearly as crazy as I sound

Now I don't want to get back into my car.

While I was sitting at the drive-thru at the bank today at lunch, this gigantic mosquito flew into the wide-open window. I tried to follow its path with my eyes so I would know where it was and could kill it. It kept hiding behind things, though. It didn't help that I had to keep looking away so I could talk to the bank teller, either.

I tried to be very subtle about it when I waved my hand around to get it to fly around some more. I didn't want the teller to look out the window and see me waving my hands around frantically at something only I could see.

"Look at the crazy lady in the drive thru!" she would say.

After a few minutes of me attempting to swat it with my hand (and missing), it finally flew over to the other side of the passenger seat, where I couldn't reach it without unbuckling and/or reaching.

The rest of the time I was out and about at lunch, I kept running my hands down my arms to make sure I didn't feel anything munching on me. I also kept rubbing my face to make sure it wasn't trying to suck my blood there. Other drivers must have thought I had a strange tic or something.

I made it back to work bite-free, though.

Now for some reason I'm convinced that it's in my car, rubbing its hands together evilly, lying in wait for me to get back within blood-sucking range. I'm also pretty sure it would go straight for my face, since that would be the most unfortunate place to get a mosquito bite, unless you're the kind of person who never goes anywhere and never interacts with anyone.

I wonder if my sister would come pick me up at work and take me to the gym?

I'm thinking probably not.

If you don't hear from me for a week or so, alert the authorities. I'll probably be lying in my car, dead from massive blood loss.

Or I'll just be busy.

May you have a blood-sucking insect-free day.


Today's first entry is here.


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