06.14.2005 11:46 a.m.
I slack, therefore I am

So, let's see how I did with the To Do list I had for this weekend:

-I want to start a small garden in the backyard so I can finally plant the everbearing strawberry plants I bought from a co-worker's son a couple months ago. They've been sitting in the vegetable bin in our fridge for too long.

We didn't actually create the garden, but I think we decided where it's going to go.

-Mow the lawn.

Did it on Sunday, and lost probably 3 lbs. due to the insane amount of sweat that was dripping off me. (Yes, it was definitely as sexy as it sounds.)

-Put weed and feed or something on the lawn. All the damn clovers and dandelions and weird tall grass need to die.

My husband went around and sprayed stuff after I mowed.

-Get at least one query ready to send to an editor.

Yeah...not so much with this one.

-Keep up with listserv class.

For the most part, I did. I could have responded to more e-mails, but I feel like since I haven't been published anywhere, I don't really have the best advice for anyone as far as slant or possible markets or whether something is a workable idea or not.

-Create a query/manuscript tracker.

I thought about it. Does that count?

-Clean out clothes...put winter stuff in a plastic tote and stick downstairs for the time being. Separate stuff to sell on eBay and get it ready to take pictures of it. Get together another load of stuff to take to consignment. Get at least a garbage bag full of stuff to give to Goodwill.

Ha ha! I'm funny!

-Vacuum the house. All of it.

Once again, I thought about it.

-Clean out the kitchen cupboard so you can put the new glasses you purchased away.

A big fat NOPE on this one as well.

-Trim Callie's claws.

Done. Okay, so we did it last night, but Monday is close to the weekend, right?

-Give Az at least one dose of medicine.

Done. Last night before bed.

If "Stay in bed all stinking day on Saturday and watch TV, order a pizza around 4 pm, and finally drag your sad (unwashed) asses downstairs at 7 pm to watch a couple of movies down there for a while before going back upstairs and to bed" was on the list, though, I could have totally checked that one off.

Listening to: Black Eyed Peas - Monkey Business
Reading: Undead and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson


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