06.10.2005 12:56 p.m.
Too much to do

The last time we bought toilet paper, my husband bought single rolls of Charmin. I feel like all I've done for the past week is change the toilet paper roll.


* * * * * * * *

Once again, I've been absent. I've been busy as hell at work. I also just started taking an online (listserv) class taught by one of the women on my writing board. It's tough work keeping up with all the e-mails, but I have a feeling it will help me send out some really good queries...some of which might actually lead to being published and paid! Woo!

I think ADD sort of gives me a disadvantage as far as writing goes. I have about 50 ideas at any one time, and picking and choosing which I want to work on, or what might actually be a saleable idea, or actually focusing on fleshing out an idea into a query is difficult for me. That's why I have a folder called In Process that has about 13 things in it.

I'm actually sort of looking forward to my doctor's appointment on the 20th, if only so I can switch to an ADD medication that actually works again. I have plenty of motivation. I just don't have the focus.

Sometimes I wish I could just knock my head against a wall every once in a while to reboot it. I think that might do more harm than good at this point.


Speaking of focusing, I have about forty billion things I want to work on or get done this weekend.

-I want to start a small garden in the backyard so I can finally plant the everbearing strawberry plants I bought from a co-worker's son a couple months ago. They've been sitting in the vegetable bin in our fridge for too long.

-Mow the lawn.

-Put weed and feed or something on the lawn. All the damn clovers and dandelions and weird tall grass need to die.

-Get at least one query ready to send to an editor.

-Keep up with listserv class.

-Create a query/manuscript tracker.

-Clean out clothes...put winter stuff in a plastic tote and stick downstairs for the time being. Separate stuff to sell on eBay and get it ready to take pictures of it. Get together another load of stuff to take to consignment. Get at least a garbage bag full of stuff to give to Goodwill.

-Vacuum the house. All of it.

-Clean out the kitchen cupboard so you can put the new glasses you purchased away.

-Trim Callie's claws.

-Give Az at least one dose of medicine.

The more I list, the more I think of that I want to do.

The sad fact is that generally the more I want to get done during the weekend, the less we do. Sitting on our asses and watching TV or movies normally isn't on my To Do list.

Oh well. Hopefully I'll get all kinds of stuff done the weekend my husband is at a conversion. (Boo! Hiss!) And maybe I'll actually surprise myself and will be motivated to get things done this weekend.

We shall see.

Anything is possible, I guess. After all, I did make it to the gym 3 times this week. That's practically a miracle in and of itself.

Happy weekending, everyone!

Listening to: Black Eyed Peas - Elephunk
Reading: Undead and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson


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