05.26.2005 2:19 p.m.
Slightly better

Dear God.

I'm at work today. Feeling quite a bit better than yesterday.

Well, until I get up from my chair and walk somewhere.

Or move my head.

Or bend over.

Or blow my nose.

Or cough.

Or sneeze.

Or think too hard.

At least today it's more like a dull, throbbing ache than the lightning bolts of pain that it was yesterday.

I'm not entirely sure, but I think this CEMENT that my upper back and neck muscles have become might have something to do with the head pain. Damn, I need a massage.

Or some acupuncture.

Or SOMETHING. I've been trying various combinations of drugs over the past two days and nothing really seems to work.

After taking a couple generic acetaminophen from a bottle I found in our medicine cabinet above the sink, I looked at the bottle.

It said "Expires Oct 99".

Hmmm...think it's still any good? Why do we hang on to medication that has been expired for 6 years?

I just want to FEEL NORMAL AGAIN. I want all the snot in my head to go away. I want my head to stop trying to self-destruct. I want my muscles to stop hurting me like I've got a damn axe in my back.

Please? It's not so much to ask, is it?

Listening to: Gavin Degraw - Chariot (Stripped)
Reading: Star magazine


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