04.21.2005 9:46 a.m.
DER and Doctors

Yesterday, I went to the salon after work for my waxing appointment.

As it turned out, I was 24 hours early.

It's actually tonight.


Apparently I had written the appointment in the wrong day of my calendar.

I ALWAYS go on Wednesdays. I guess I just decided that even if I didn't technically have an appointment yesterday, I was damn well going to go anyway.

I am going to feel like a huge dork when I walk in to the salon today.



I seriously have to make an appointment with the doctor, both for a regular physical, my annual exam (Stirrup Land! My favorite!) and to change some of my medications around.

I realized last night that for some reason whatever the doctor tells me to watch out for with certain meds never happen to me.

Paxil CR did not make me fat. I lost 22 lbs. while taking it.

Wellbutrin SR has not decreased my appetite and/or made me lose weight. I've gained the above-mentioned 22 lbs. back.

Yasmin has not lessened the bloating around that certain time of the month, nor has it make my bodacious ta-tas any more bodacious.

It has, however, turned me into an emotional mess...and not just when I have PMS.

Ritalin, Concerta, etc. did not make me lose weight and/or decrease my appetite.

Bastards. All of 'em.

I think I'm going to switch back to another type of birth control pill that I've taken before and never had any problems with. It helped my skin and didn't make me all cry-y all the time.

As far as the anti-depressant and ADD meds, I guess I'll see what the doctor recommends. At this point I'm thinking my brain would work best taking a different kind of ADD medication every three weeks or so. That seems to be when my brain gets used to it and it stops working as well as it did at the beginning.

I think I'm also going to talk to her about the fact that while I used to have heartburn maybe once or twice a week, I now have it 6 or 7 days a week. I've taken Prilosec OTC (oops, just typed Prilosex there) for the past couple of days and it seems to be working pretty well. I just can't take them every single day for the rest of my life. Figuring out what's causing it would be a good thing.

For the past week, too, about fifteen minutes to a half hour after I get to work, my stomach starts giving me problems.

I don't know if this is all psychosomatic or what. Maybe I'm becoming allergic to this job. Or the people. Or the stress and the knowledge that my feelings/opinions/needs matter not one iota to anyone here but me.

Or perhaps I'm just continuing to fall apart physically.

All I know is that I've got next Monday and Tuesday off of work, and those days cannot come nearly soon enough.

(The massage appointment I made for Monday afternoon will help immensely too, I'm sure.)

Happy...Thursday. Yeah. Thursday.

Listening to: Beck - Guero
Reading: InStyle HOME


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