03.22.2005 12:38 p.m.
Good friends, good decisions and writing

I was once again reminded of what a small world it is on Sunday, while Mr. Science-Girl and I were visiting with the Diva and her Man Unit. Apparently, both Mr. SG and the Diva had been RAs in college. (Resident Assistants, for those of you who don't know.) They had both also gone to Residence Hall Association conferences in South Carolina and Arizona.

They were sitting there talking and laughing while they figured out which memories they had in common, while N and I were just watching them and looking confused on occasion.

I guess it was one of those "you had to be there" things.

In addition to being reminded that it's a small, small world, we also talked, laughed, drank beer, ate ice cream, petted adorable animals and generally had a very good time. It was LONG overdue.

Hopefully we can get together with them a few more times over the next few months. I'm definitely going to miss them when they move down south.

Then again, the good part about them moving is that we'll have some friends who live where it's warm!

I wonder how many times we can visit before they get sick of us?


Thank Allah the federal judge ruled against re-inserting Terry Schiavo's feeding tube. Hopefully the appeal her parents have filed will be denied and she can finally, after all these years, be at peace.

Like I told my husband last night, "Moving to Amsterdam is sounding better and better every day." They seem to have more faith in the decision-making abilities of the individual there.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that she is finally allowed to pass away peacefully.

I'll also be creating a patient advocacy petition for both Mr. Science-Girl and I.

While I've told my family (repeatedly) that I don't want to be kept alive if I'm a vegetable, I don't want to leave anything up to chance.

I have a feeling millions of other people around the country are doing the same thing right now.


I'm taking steps to get the writing thing underway. I'm currently trying to get organized so I can make sure I'm doing everything right.

Or, I may just be in the it-might-not-come-out-perfect-so-perhaps-I'll-just-plan-forever mindframe.

Hopefully it's the former.

Listening to: Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Reading: The Renegade Writer and about 10 different magazines


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