03.17.2005 12:52 p.m.
Sex offenders and poking and writing


I was just (working really hard and) perusing the Michigan Sex Offender Registry.

First I looked under my zip code.

There's really only one or two people in my neighborhood that I really need to be worried about, I think.

Then I checked my parents' zip code.

I saw something sort of scary.

There are SIX registered sex offenders, most of whom were convicted of Criminal Sexual Conduct (CSC) in the 1st degree (penetration) who live within WALKING DISTANCE of my former high school. Some of those offenses were with children from the ages of 13-15.


It's probably like living right next to a buffet for them. Temptation lurking around every corner.


Okay. I think I'll tuck that right into the "things I'd like to forget" pocket of my brain.


My husband and I were at Walgreens this past weekend, picking up one of my (numerous) prescriptions.

There was a blood sugar tester machine thingy on sale for $14.99. He looked at me and said, "I kind of want to get one of these. I don't think I could ever get you to poke yourself to use it, though."

I said, "Um, yeah. Probably not... I guess you could just sneak up on me and poke me at random times. Or not. Then I'd be paranoid all the time."

I'm sort of thinking about it, though. With as much as I pick at my fingers, I probably wouldn't need to try very hard to draw blood.

Plus, I had my Glucose Tolerance Test (AKA 6 hours of torture with the sweetest phlebotomist ever) when I was 16. I wonder if my blood sugar range has changed at all. Back then, they said my numbers didn't drop all that low, but my symptoms were severe. I'm thinking my numbers are now dropping pretty low.

Too bad I'm such a weenie. I'm still quite curious about why my taking Advil seems to help my low blood sugar as well as preventing it from dropping too low.

I kind of want to do an experiment, but only as long as it's not painful.

Huh. We'll see. Maybe I'll actually buy one of those blood glucose meters around the same time I actually get the balls to call and schedule my (supposedly annual) physical. And/or an eye exam (since I'm pretty sure having to squint while wearing contacts so I can see far away is not a sign that I'm wearing the right presciption). And/or a hearing test. Oh, and that follow up appoinment for my root canal that I was due for um...about five months ago.

Maybe I'll actually do it before I turn 50.


I love The Renegade Writer. I've been reading it the past few nights, and it's really making freelance writing seem more and more like something I could do. I had about 20 ideas for articles last night, one right after the other.

Do you know how hard it was to remember all of them until I could get off the toilet and get to the computer?

It was HARD. But I did it.

My next step is seeing what magazines my co-workers get, and asking if they'll bring them in for me when they're done. I'd like to read some issues of certain magazines just to see what they're looking for, but I don't think I'd retain enough information if I just looked at them in a bookstore.

Once I get an idea of what they might be looking for, I'll get started on the queries.

Hopefully we will have purchased a new printer before then. I'm sure I won't really be impressing anyone with query letters that you can barely read because of the toner all over them. I could always print them at work, I suppose, but I'd rather do it from home. I'll just have to check before I send them out to make sure they aren't covered in black cat hair.

Blah blee blo blu.

Dammit. I'd better get back to work. Unfortunately, all these files aren't working on themselves.


Okay, so I lied. I just have one more thing.

I'm currently taking bets on how long it will be before my uterus actually rips its way out of my abdomen and goes running down the hall as fast as its little legs will carry it.

Care to play?

Listening to: Liz Phair - whitechocolatespaceegg
Reading: Duh. I just told you.


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