02.16.2005 9:16 a.m.
No risking death and Quite a thinker


My arms hurt. My chest hurts. Stupid gym. I didn't think I even worked hard enough last night to get sore arms and pecs. OWIE.

Oh well. At least I know my working out is actually doing something.

One of these days I'm really going to get the balls to ask for a personal training session. Yup yup. Really. I am.

Probably not any time this week, though.

Just in case I were to ask the lady if she could train me, and she says, "No, but I could kill you."

I wouldn't want to risk death before we go to Pittsburgh this weekend for my niece's birthday party.

So, just to be on the safe side, I'll wait a bit before asking for personal training.


My 4-year-old step-daughter is quite a thinker. Seriously. It's sort of eerie sometimes.

My husband, step-daughter and I were at my parents' house on Saturday. We were there long enough that my husband fell asleep on their (still pretty new and very comfy) couch.

At one point Alex walked over to me and said, "Um, I think we have a problem."

I said, "Really? What's the problem?"

She said, in total seriousness, "If Daddy's sleeping, who will drive us home?"

My parents and I all started laughing hysterically.

Then it dawned on me...she's never seen me drive. Every weekend we have her, we take my husband's car (since it's got the booster seat in it), and he always drives.

After I stopped laughing, I told her, "Okay, I know you've never actually seen me do it, but I really can drive a car. I do it all the time when you're not around. It'll be okay."

It's times like those when it's hard to believe that she's only 4.

I'll be quite interested to see what happens when she turns 5 and starts school. Seeing her intellectual potential actually harnessed and used for something will be a good thing.

Of course, before she starts school I could always have my dad teach her how to build rockets and bombs, like he did as a child.

Mmmm...then again, maybe not.

Listening to: John Mayer - Heavier Things
Reading: Thongs, Angus and Full-Frontal Snogging: Confessions of Georgia Nicolson
Nail polish color: OPI's 3 Plums, I Win on toes...nothing on fingers


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