02.09.2005 1:42 p.m.
Magic Invisible Cats

Monday night, I met my sister at the gym after work. We decided that she would come over after we left the gym to help with Operation Kitty Medicine, since my darling husband is gone on business this week. (Boo! Hiss!)

I got home and checked the mail. Callie wandered into the kitchen from wherever she happened to be sleeping, and started her usual "I am so damn hungry that I will die within the next 30 seconds if you do not feed me wet food even though I've had access to dry food all day and have probably eaten quite a bit of it" meowing. Az was strangely absent.

When my sister arrived at my house, we started to look for her. I headed downstairs to look under the giant shelves, since that's where she usually hides. No kitty. I went upstairs to the kitchen and filled up the little syringe so it would be ready if we ever found her, and we went hunting again.

We spend 45 FREAKING MINUTES looking all over the damn house for her. We looked on furniture, under furniture, in furniture*, in closets, in rooms where the door was closed, under shelves, on top of shelves, in the rafters, in drawers and inside cabinets (just in case she had developed opposable thumbs and wanted to be REALLY sneaky). No kitty.

I did, however, find that we have a tremendous amount of spider webs in a corner of the basement. How did I discover this? With my face. YUM!

*Okay, we actually kicked the furniture to see if she'd come out, but don't tell. And yes, we have raggedy-ass OLD furniture that she could climb into if she so chose.

I called my husband to ask if he had seen her before he left, because maybe she ran out the door or something when he left for the airport. Or maybe he packed her in his suitcase so he'd have something small from home to comfort him if he was lonely.

Or something.

By this point, I was thinking a variety of things, like:

"Maybe she got outside and became some dog's lunch because she has no front claws."

"I wasn't even going to give her medicine tonight. Why the hell is she hiding?"

"Maybe she's stuck somewhere and strangling to death and I'm going to find her when she's dead and I'm alone here and I'll freak out and POOR KITTY!" *eyes tear up*

"She's been crying loudly for a few days now. How is she so quiet right now?"

"Maybe she's stuck in one of the plastic bags that have Goodwill stuff in them and she can't BREATHE!"

"DEAR GOD, SHE'S DEAD!!!! What are we going to DO?!?!?!"

After 45 minutes, I told my sister she could just head home and I'd sit down and watch some TV and see if Az appeared.

I headed downstairs with my pint of Black Forest Dream ice cream from Coldstone Creamery, because I was worried and upset and also because everyone knows that any ice cream you eat after going to the gym totally doesn't count.

I was watching CSI on Spike TV when I heard her crying. I went upstairs, and there she was! She ran away from me when I tried to pet her, so I thought she might just be in pain. I gave her some of her (fucking expensive) wet food and went back down to watch TV. She eventually joined me on the couch for some petting, although she was still quite skittish and didn't want to be touched much.

Long story short: no medicine for Az on Monday night because she's a sneaky, wily kitty who possibly has magical powers.

Last night, I had intended to go to the gym and have Jen meet me at my house again for another attempt at giving Az medicine. That plan got shot to hell when my tire decided to go pretty much flat again. I assumed it was from a meteor-sized pothole on a street right near my work that I've hit a couple of times.

I got out of work and went down to a gas station to put air in my tire so I could make it to the discount tire place. I stopped by my house quickly to grab my book, though, as car and truck magazines do not really entertain me.

Who should greet me when I walk in the door? Both kitties!!

Why was she not hiding?

I have no clue.

All I know is that the stupid pothole bent the rim of my wheel which was causing the tire to lose air. They fixed it for free and told me to come back if it gave me any more trouble.

I went back home and fed the cats and myself (ice cream again...because it makes me HAPPY!) and went downstairs to watch TV. Az was pretty much stuck to me the entire night, including when she crawled under the covers and curled up next to my belly to go to sleep.

I wonder if tonight she'll hide when I come home later again?


I have no idea if she's psychic, or if it was just a one-time thing on Monday night, or what. We seriously looked EVERYWHERE. I have no clue where she was.

I think we need to figure out where this magical new hiding spot is in case we need to take her to the vet or something.

Unless it's in an alternate dimension.

Then it would probably be really hard to find.

Happy Ash Wednesday, Chinese New Year and Islamic New Year (according to my cute puppy calendar).

Also, Happy Wednesday.

Listening to: co-workers talking about the return of the psycho client. (He's out of the nut hatch.)
Reading: The Life of Pi
Feeling: like I should go get my collapsible steel baton before the psycho gets here


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