02.02.2005 8:40 a.m.
T-shirts and a pointless story

If anyone wants to get me this shirt, I'd be forever indebted to you. It ROCKS! It might help me look on the bright side of having junk in the trunk, instead of thinking, "Damn, I have a giant ass!"

Therefore, this shirt might help increase my self-esteem.

Therefore, it would be good for your karma to buy it for me.

*Update: Glamour magazine is having a writing contest. "What's the story of your life? Every woman has a tale to tell: an experience you went through, a day that changed you or simply the story of how you came to be you. Write an essay of up to 3,000 words telling us yours and you could win $5,000, publication in Glamour and the opportunity to work with a literary agent." I want to submit something, but I'm sure what. Think the "confession" entry might be turned into a good piece of writing? Or maybe this one? Let me know by leaving a comment or a note or e-mailing me. Thanks!


I called the vet yesterday to see if they had a case of the canned food we use in stock that they could hold for me.

They did.

I drove to the vet last night after leaving work, and they were closed.

They apparently close at noon on Tuesdays for some reason.

Yeah, I don't really know why either.

So, I drove up and there was this Sherrif's Department car sitting in the parking lot. I got out of my car to go inside, and he started talking to me.

"The door has been unlocked since they closed."

"Really? That would be...bad."

"I took a quick walk-through to see if anything was missing, but you could probably tell better than I could. Want to walk through? I'm worried that drugs might have been stolen."

"I'm just here for my cat food, really. If they're not open, I'll just come back tomorrow when they are."

"Oh. You're not my contact?"

"Not so much, no."

"I thought that would have been a REALLY quick response time. I only called like 10 minutes ago."


"Okay, if you don't work here then yeah; they're closed."

Now, is it just me or don't you think it would have saved him a bit of time if he had just asked me if I was his contact and/or worked there? Then we could have avoided the very confusing (to both of us) discussion and I could have had that few minutes of my life back.

Nice, isn't it, that we have so little crime in this area that a cop can sit outside a vet's office to guard the door so that no one breaks in? In the "big city" all the cops are too busy with murders and breaking and enterings and rapes and such. Here they have time to guard doors and walk through coffee shops checking IDs to make sure everyone who is smoking is 18.

(I'm dead serious. They used to do it when I was just out of high school.)


God, that entry was about a whole lot of nothing, wasn't it?

Listening to: the eerie lack of loud noise from the rest of the office
Reading: The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. It's SO GOOD!
Feeling: pretty freaking excited that I'm finally getting my hair done tonight


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