01.26.2005 9:00 a.m.
Things I Learned Yesterday

This morning I was driving, on my way to work, and I pulled into the right lane behind a truck that was going like 45 MPH. (The speed limit for trucks on the highway is 55 MPH.) I was like, "What the hell?" but I knew I had to get off at the next exit, so I stayed behind him.

As I made my way over to the exit ramp, I said*, "Dude, it's not like there's even anyone in front of that guy."

Then I looked again, and said "Well, except that other truck right there."

*I like to talk to myself in the car. It makes me feel important to narrarate for myself.**

**Okay, so, not really. I'm just nuts. Moving on...

The above is probably one of those things that's really only funny to me, but oh well.

Without further adieu, I give you...


1) The guy we all thought was crazy is actually crazy. Remember the strange client I mentioned last week? Well, he ended up coming in on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Then he came in on Monday of this week. Tuesday morning we got a message from his wife saying that his son (who had come in with him the last couple of times) had taken him to the psychiatric hospital on Monday and he was probably being admitted. Yay!

Now I don't have to worry about whether or not to bring my collapsible steel baton in from my car or not. Now the receptionists don't have to go somewhere and hide while he's waiting in the lobby because he makes them uncomfortable. Now R doesn't have to call the office when he's at lunch to inquire about whether the wacky client is waiting for him.


These paragraphs were brought to you by When Bad Wars and Bad VA Benefits Happen to Good(ish) People, as well as the Sometimes War Makes You Crazy Foundation.

2) While Officemate's and my printer is quite old and probably on it's way toward death, it also just hates me. I believe it's possessed lately, either by evil spirits or evil gnomes. It keeps claiming there's a paper jam when there actually isn't. Yesterday I spent about five minutes trying to open and close things on it in whatever combination it wanted so it would stop saying there was a paper jam. After five minutes, I gave up and turned it off. Then, it wouldn't print anything.

And wouldn't print.

And wouldn't print.

Finally I just decided that instead of printing a second copy of the statement I had done, I'd just go to the mail room and make a copy of the first.

When I came back, it had printed a couple of things. I asked Officemate what she did to it. She said, "I didn't do anything. As soon as you left, it started printing."

Therefore, the printer just hates me.

3) I CAN actually throw things out without being totally traumatized. Last night instead of going to the gym I went home. I started cleaning out the drawers of my dresser in our bedroom. I'd take a drawer out, set it on the bed, figure out what I wanted to use it for (pajamas in one drawer, workout clothes in another drawer), and then separate things into piles...a keep pile, a Goodwill pile, and a consignment pile.

I actually have almost two garbage bags full of stuff to take to Goodwill, a ton of stuff to take to consignment, and there's actually ROOM in my drawers. I have two more drawers to clean out in there, and then I can do the two or three drawers of my stuff in the dresser in Alex's room. Then the armoire. Then my closet. Then the piles and piles of clothes downstairs in the laundry room.

I think I might have a clothing obsession. Or something.

I was ceaselessly amazed by the items I found in my drawers. For instance, at one point I found a plastic hanger for one of Alex's 3T items. I guess instead of throwing it away, I decided putting it in my drawer made a lot of sense.

Yeah, I'm not really sure why that is either.

I also found that I'm better at throwing away items I've been keeping for sentimental value. Even the argyle socks I got from my grandpa before he passed away...I told myself what the people on Clean Sweep on TLC tell homeowners: You don't need to hang onto THINGS because of sentimental reasons...you have the memory of that person and you'll carry it with you forever. So, I kept my favorite pair and divided the rest up into "throw away" and "Goodwill" piles.

Hopefully I'll sort through another load of stuff tonight, so I'll be in better shape to take clothes to the consignment shop and Goodwill on Friday when I have the day off.

Hooray! Getting rid of clutter that makes me feel stagnant and disorganized makes me happy. It's very strange then, that I'm such a packrat. It seems quite contradictory, doesn't it?

Then again, that pretty much describes me. I'm a walking contradiction.

Listening to: Officemate typing and Bitch From Hell coughing and hacking
Reading: The Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Feeling: like I wish my ADD medication were still working


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