01.12.2005 10:48 a.m.
TV junkie

My name is Science Girl, and I am a TV junkie and a link junkie.

Let's talk about some of the shows I watched last night, shall we?

The Biggest Loser finale last night was AMAZING. I was stunned when Ryan weighed in and he had lost an incredible 122 pounds during the course of the competition. Add 6 more pounds, and that's one of me! That's just INSANE.

Gary looked awesome. He definitely does look MUCH younger now.

And Kelly turned into a knockout as well. I'm glad she gained so much confidence and self-love throughout the months.

All of these people are inspirational. The only thing is that it's so easy for people who have more weight to lose to lose it. I struggle and work my ass off for 1 or 2 pounds. But, they prove that people can change...diets, lifestyles, bodies, etc. Everything can change. You just have to work at it.

(Semi-related to that...I went to the gym last night for the first time this year and I'll be going again tonight! Go me!)

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy rocked as well. It made me cry, of course, because I seem to cry at everything lately. They took a guy who was getting ready to go to Iraq for a year and a half and gave him a beautiful wedding so he could make his marriage to his wife legal in this country instead of just in Columbia. They also gave them a shitload of awesome gifts...laptops for both of them, a digital video camera, a $5000 gift card to JCPenny's for Maria and her daughter to use, and a HUGE crate of stuff that Ray would make good use of in Iraq.

I never cease to be amazed by the support, caring and generosity of the Fab Five as well as the show's producers. I mean, it's a very popular show, so they must make quite a bit of money from advertisers and such... I wonder how much of the stuff the show pays for, and how much is just given to them? Hmm...

Then there was a sneak peek of Bravo's new show, Queer Eye for the Straight Girl. Unfortunately, it was on too late for me to watch it all, but I'll definitely be watching tonight's new episode at 10 PM.

Just from what I saw last night, I think I might develop a tiny crush on the hottie lesbian on that show.

Any guesses why? Here's a picture of her to help you out:

Plus, she just seems spunky and intelligent...and those lips!


Sorry, honey...you know I love you best.

Okay...enough about my obsession with TV shows...

Care to hear about the latest purchase of a shopaholic?

Thanks to the evil influence of zitronengel, I have now bought myself an adorable little digital camera.

I don't think I've talked about it here, but I've been on a hunt for a good digital camera that I can carry around in my purse, but that has relatively good picture quality. I was looking for a 4.0 or 5.0 megapixel camera, which would have run about $200-$300. This one is $29.99 for a mere megapixel less.

I might get this one and use it to see if it works for everything I want it for, and if I feel I still need something else, I might get the Sony DSC-P93 or DSC-W1 that I was considering before.

Anyone have a great digital camera that you're dying to recommend to people? Let me know!

Have a digital camera that you hate? Let me know!

And now back to attempting to motivate myself to work today, on this hump day of the week that will never end.

Listening to: someone smacking their printer around
Reading: The Nanny Diaries
Feeling: totally unmotivated


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