11.23.2004 2:22 p.m.
Add ADD to my list of diagnoses

No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I've just been busy. And very, very focused.

I went to the doctor on Thursday afternoon and apparently tested practically off the charts for having ADD. Some of the questions on the form I had to fill out surprised me. Certain things were mentioned that I never thought had anything to do with ADD...frequently losing things (I used to lose my wallet almost daily), extreme mood swings, interrupting people, procrastinating (paying bills, doing homework, etc.), impulsivity with money, frequent daydreaming, starting things but not finishing them, etc. Then there were the general things about having a hard time paying attention, not getting stuff done that you know you're perfectly capable of, and that kind of thing.

So, yep. I have ADD. It only took me 25 years to be diagnosed. Hooray!

The doctor wrote a prescription for Ritalin SR 20 mg. He told me to take one in the morning for the first 3 days, and to pay attention to how long the effects lasted. If they didn't last the entire day, I should take two pills in the morning. If they wore off around 2 pm or so, I could take another one.

So, I went to the pharmacy on Friday. They gave me some crap about how my insurance wouldn't cover Ritalin SR, so they gave me Ritalin LA instead. Um, that's great and all, but the LA has a co-pay that's $30 higher than the SR. Bastards!

I called them yesterday and got it straighened out, though. I ended up trading in my bottle of LA for a new bottle of SR. They not only refunded my money for the original (wrong) bottle, they also didn't charge me anything for the new bottle since it was their mistake. WOO! The only thing better than good drugs is FREE good drugs!

I took 3 Ritalin LAs yesterday (2 at 8 AM, 1 at 2 PM), and I got so much work done that it wasn't even funny. I felt FOCUSED and MOTIVATED for the first time in...forever. The doctor said that Ritalin basically makes you able to focus on stuff you usually find really boring. Hey! That sounds about right! Maybe I will actually be able to make it through another year at this job.

If you want to find out if you might have ADD, go here to take a screener.


Overall, I had a good weekend. Had a good time hanging out with my husband on Friday, watched Elf for the first time and loved it, spent quality time with the munchkin and my parents, and still had time to relax and lay around. The best of all worlds!


It never ceases to amaze me how retarded grown women become when they are in the presence of a baby. One of my co-worker's wives came in today with their newest child, and I think it only took a nanosecond for the receptionists to start talking baby talk to him. Jesus. I mean, the child is cute and all, but looking at something cute doesn't mean your brains automatically start leaking out your ears, right? Or am I alone in thinking that?


Sorry I'm so boring today. I promise I'll become fun and entertaining pretty soon.

Especially if I keep thinking about the fact that Weetabix has finalized a weekend for her MiniCon (AKA BadBarCon). WHOO HOO! My husband and I are SO there! Screw someplace that's tropical and warm...we're going to Wisconsin in the dead of winter! W00t!

Listening to: Officemate munching on chips
Reading: Alien Secrets by Annette Curtis Klause
Feeling: guilty for writing this when I should be working on a file


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