11.18.2004 11:35 a.m.
Cheap drunk

I need to drink more often.

No, seriously. I do.

My sister and I went to dinner with our parents at Olive Garden last night. I had two glasses of Yellowtail Chardonnay with my dinner and salad and breadsticks (and cough drops). I actually went home slightly drunk. I went to sleep at 10 PM and the room was just a wee bit spinny.

I used to have a limit of 10 drinks when I was going to the bar regularly! What has happened to me? I'm such a lightweight now. It's sad.

Other than my disappointment in the fact that I've become a cheap drunk, my birthday was not too shabby.

I worked all day, which was...you know...WORK. Then I ran home, changed my clothes, fed the cats, signed my sister's birthday card and jumped back in the car to go to my parents' house. We got there, did the gift exchange... Well, not so much exchange as I had waited too long to order Jenny's gift and it won't be arriving until this weekend most likely. Yes, I suck. But, I got 4 books from her that I'm VERY excited to read. (Hooray for Amazon.com wish lists!)

We went to dinner and ate a lovely, delicious meal while talking and laughing and carrying on. Everyone got a chance to tell me to shut up and stop coughing. I think it's safe to say that a good time was had by all.

After that, I drove the 8 or so minutes home and went upstairs to hang out and watch TV before I went to bed. I talked to my husband a couple of times and was so tired that I passed out around 10 PM. Hooray!

I only woke up once to have a coughing fit, too. Praise Allah, I think I might actually be getting better!

*knocks on wood*

Today at work there will be cake in honor of my birthday, and then I get to leave 45 minutes early to go to the doctor.

Does anyone else find this funny? I'm going to stuff myself full of sugar and then go be tested for my ability to sit still and concentrate.



Life is good. Especially since my wonderful husband comes home tonight, and I can finally find out what he got me for my birthday. Apparently it's been hiding in the house this whole week. Hooray!

And tomorrow I have the whole day off so I can celebrate with my husband. WHOO HOO!!!

Listening to: the receptionists negotiating lunch times
Reading: Never Threaten to Eat Your Co-Workers: Best of Blogs
Feeling: exuberant


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