11.17.2004 10:26 a.m.
Time for my husband to trade me in

There's nothing like starting your birthday off by accidentally sleeping through the alarm and being late for work.

Of course, the reason I was so tired this morning was that I was up ALL FREAKING NIGHT coughing. Apparently I'm too much of a dumbass to realize that getting up and going downstairs and getting cough medicine would be a good idea during the 17,000 times I woke up hacking in the middle of the night. DER. "This cough drop should work."

I woke up after sucking on the cough drop for a while thinking that the hard little thing in my mouth was a piece of my tooth that had broken off. Then I bit into it and realized it was cough drop. I was quite relieved.

I do believe I might try strangling the doctor tomorrow until he gives me a damn Phenergan with codiene prescription. I don't want it because I'm a drug addict, ya bastards... I want it because I CAN'T FREAKING SLEEP. I need sleep in order to get healthy again.

See the problem?

Yeah. So. There's that.

(Luckily, I got ready like a whirlwind while the cats watched me in fear and was only 3 minutes late.)


25 years ago today my mom went into labor. She and my dad went to the hospital, the doctors determined that it wasn't false labor this time, and they got her settled in.

My sister, rebellious even then, decided that greeting the world ass first would be best. The doctors, unwilling to let me suffocate while Jenny took her sweet time being born, decided to do an emergency C-section. They knocked my mom out, did the C-section and pulled my sister out at 1:07 PM and me out at 1:10 PM. My dad saw the two of us, all purple and covered with goo and thought, "Great. All that work for two dead babies."

Then we started to yell, and neither of us have shut up since.


Listening to: the printer
Reading: Orange Crush by Tim Dorsey
Feeling: relatively happy, even though I'm still sick


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