11.16.2004 1:01 p.m.
Randomness Brought to You by ADD

My thoughts are once again random and pretty much meaningless to anyone but myself.

I'm wearing my cashmere sweater again today. It's lovely and oh so soft. I feel like purring.

*27 minutes later...

Hi. Why am I going in for an ADHD evaluation again?


Wait a minute!

That's right!

Probably because of things like this...when I start writing a diary entry, get up to do something, and then decide now is a good time to run to the post office and make a stop at the grocery store. Then I come back 25 minutes later and discover that I was writing a diary entry.

Oops! Silly me!

Okay, so back to the random babbling...

Things I've Been Proud of Lately
-I haven't used my credit card in about 3 months.
-I actually asked for something I wanted the other day.*
-I called in sick last week without needing permission from anyone.

*For some reason I have a problem with asking outright for anything I want/need (or admitting I want or need anything). I'm so damned passive aggressive that I just sort of talk around it and make hints, and hope whoever I'm talking to eventually gets it. The other night, though, I actually asked my husband to turn the TV volume down a bit. Go me! Perhaps I'm making progress at this being human thing.

...And I'm back. It's now 2:04 PM.

One of the receptionists just came in to tell one of the guys standing in my office that "the camera crew is here". Huh?

My birthday is tomorrow, and I'm not really all that excited for it. I'm excited to go to Olive Garden for dinner with my parents. (YUM! Haven't been there in AGES.) I'm excited to have cake at work on Thursday. But I'm not all "PRESENTS!!! GIVE ME PRESENTS!!!" like I was last year. I wonder why?

Congratulations and a cyber chocolate chip cookie to anyone who actually reads my babbling and random thoughts today.

Listening to: ahhh...the space heater
Reading: Orange Crush by Tim Dorsey
Feeling: Like I might choke to death at some point today. Stupid cough.


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