11.11.2004 11:51 a.m.

If anyone wondered where I've been, I'll tell you.

I've been SICK.

All last week I had a fever that ranged between 99 and 100 degrees. I knew I was working on fighting something off. Last weekend we had Alex, and she was still coughing and hacking. I'm pretty sure my body just needed two exposures in order to catch it.

Monday night I went to the gym. Felt basically okay. After I had been at home for a while, though, I started to feel like crap. Extremely sore throat, mostly.

Tuesday morning I woke up feeling like poop on a stick. I was coughing, nose was running, snot abounded. And the sore throat and nausea just added to the fun. Body aches, feverish skin, generally exhausted. I actually called in sick to work without having to get anyone's permission first. (Usually I call my mom or my husband to make sure I'm sick enough to stay home. I have some sort of sick addiction to being at work/guilt complex when I'm not at work. It's a problem. I'm working on it.)

Anyway, I called in and left a message saying I wasn't feeling too well and wouldn't be coming in. Then I e-mailed my husband/sister to let them know I was staying home sick so I didn't want to be called and woken up/wouldn't be at the gym after work. I slept on and off for most of the day. I think I managed to drag my ass downstairs a total of 6 or so times, mostly to feed the cats or get myself another cup of applesauce. Even getting out of bed to go to the bathroom was exhausting and COLD. That night, my fever nearly reached 103 degrees. Fun stuff!

It felt like needles were being stabbed into my flesh all over my body. I think at one point I was wishing for death. And then the ibuprofen kicked in. Sweet, sweet ibuprofen.

The next morning I felt loads better so I got ready and went into work. I guess I should have taken getting dizzy and falling into the bathroom wall before I even got into the shower as a sign that I should have taken another day off. But NO! I had to be a hard ass and go to work. I only made it until about 9 AM before I asked if I could go home at noon. So, I did.

And that brings me to today. I hope to be able to stay at work the entire day. (Did I just actually say that? Must be the cold medicine.) I still feel semi-crappy, though less like poop on a stick. My throat hurts, my coughing brings up nasty things I don't want to think about being in my lungs, and everyone is treating me like I have the plague. Good times!!! (The next person who says "Stay away from me!!!!" is getting coughed on.) Hopefully this shit will just last another couple of days, and then I'll feel just fantabulous again!

Keep your fingers crossed for me. And for my husband, who is trying desperately not to get sick with this creeping crud.

Listening to: my precious space heater
Reading: Florida Roadkill by Tim Dorsey. Pretty far into it now thanks to all the lying around and reading.
Feeling: *cough cough*


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