11.03.2004 9:18 a.m.
The state of things

There are no words to describe the sadness and sense of loss I feel when I think about how Proposal 2, which amends the state Constitution to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman, has passed. It makes me angry that it passed not only in Michigan, but also in the other 10 states where it was on the ballot.

It makes me so sad...and angry...that friends of mine who have been together for 15 years will not be given the same rights and benefits that my husband and I will receive...simply because of their gender.

This nation is close to becoming something that would make Hitler proud...with uniformity valued above all else. If someone does not look like you, think like you, pray to whatever God you do, or believe what you do, then the best thing to do is to fear them, hate them and condemn them. It would be a travesty to open our minds to the possibility that people might be different then we are, and THAT IS OKAY.

How sad that we�re going to be teaching our children that if they are gay, they are wrong and immoral and will never be equal to those who happen to be heterosexual.

The Constitution and certain laws are meant to guarantee equality, prevent injustice and preserve freedom and certain personal liberties in this nation. How is banning gay marriage going to do this? If you think homosexuality is wrong, that�s fine. Don�t be a homosexual. Forcing your beliefs onto millions of other people is wrong.

I saw on CNN.com this morning that "Bush Camp Certain of Win". Well, of course they are. He and his cronies proved back in 2000 that they don�t give a damn about the numbers or about ACTUAL results. They just think if they yell "We win!" first and loudest, that American citizens will just lie back and accept it.

And if he does win, every woman can start waving goodbye to her right to choose. With a Republican majority in the Senate and the House, Bush�s nominations for Supreme Court Justices will be certain to receive approval. Then it's bye-bye Roe v. Wade and bye-bye to the right to decide for myself what I can or cannot do with my body.

It's a sad time in our nation. I haven't completely given up hope yet�but I'm close.

Listening to: one of the boys talking joyously about Bush winning
Reading: Florida Roadkill by Tim Dorsey
Feeling: like I'm about to start crying at any moment


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