11.04.2004 10:37 a.m.
Better today

I'm feeling slightly better today.

At least I can think of the results of the election and the outcome of Proposal 2 without crying now. My eyes don't even well up anymore. That's a step in the right direction.

I've decided that there's nothing I can do to change who was elected this time, but I can make damn sure I keep myself aware of everything that is going on in his "We're All Christians Here" presidency. The moment it looks like my reproductive rights are being threated, whether the right to an abortion or to birth control, I will start doing what I can to make sure the administration knows that this is NOT ACCEPTABLE and we are not going to just sit down and take it.

It might not work, but at least I'll have tried my best. Hopefully Bush will do the same this time around.

Listening to: the weird silence here
Reading: Florida Roadkill by Tim Dorsey
Feeling: resigned


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