09.24.2004 2:34 p.m.
Things I will do to help myself financially

This is a list in progress...

-Start sticking to the budget I created. Figure out when I'm going to pay what during the month. Stick to my decision.

-Stop buying clothes just because they're cheap and/or on sale. Set aside some money every month, and get some quality pieces that will last a while.

-If I'm paying for a gym membership, I need to use the damn membership. I need to go at least three times a week. Then it breaks down to only $2.66 per visit.

-Don't buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables that I'm not going to use. Just because the South Beach diet book says to eat them, it doesn't mean I will.

-Pay the amount budgeted toward my credit card, and DON'T CHARGE ANYTHING ELSE. The credit card can be used only in emergencies. (Note: A new exercise DVD or a cute dress on eBay do not constitute an emergency.)

-Start balancing my checkbook, or at least keep some sort of track of how much money I have in a different way besides checking my account online. That way I won't be surprised when something I forgot about comes out of the account. Overdrawing is BAD.

-Work as much overtime as I can.

-Unsubscribe from all the store e-mail lists I'm on. It's much less tempting when I'm not getting "HUGE SALE!!!!" e-mails all the time.


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