09.07.2004 6:23 p.m.
To Do...or Not So Much

Let's see...

From the list I wrote on Friday, here is what I got accomplished this weekend.

Things I want to do this weekend:

-Go to Banana Republic and return that skirt. CHECK! Done! W00t!

-Go to NY&CO. so I can spend that coupon before it expires. Only buy clothes that you're sure will fit after you lose weight. What? What's that? Spend nearly $100 that you don't really have on 3 things? Why, okay!

-Get Alex's too-small clothes separated from the rest of her couture and take pictures to get it really for selling online. I think I walked by and looked at some of her clothes a few times. Does that count?

-Clean the damn house. It's a pig sty. If, by this you meant "stay in bed with your husband until 3 PM two days out of the weekend", then CHECK!

-Make something that you can eat for dinner the nights hubby is gone next week. Gazpacho, baby! CHECK!

-Go visit Bill's drop zone. CHECK, CHECK AND A BIG HEART, TOO. It was like a huge reunion out there. All these people we used to see all the time at the other (icky, icky, bad) DZ. Most of us who were there were Banned For Life from the other DZ. Hee! Rebels are we! It was great fun, even if my husband did only get one jump in.

-Possibly paint something. I watched buttloads of movies. That counts as doing something creative, but not exactly painting, right?

-Copy those DVDs and get them sent to Joolz. DONE! Even if I did have to restrain myself from telling the nice low-talking lady at the post office that there was SOMETHING NAUGHTY IN THERE!

-Exercise at least once. Twice would be better. I vote that aerobic sex counts. Therefore, CHECK!

-Enjoy the day off of work. Let's see...stayed in bed watching a Growing Up...marathon on Animal Planet; got ready and went shopping at the mall; stopped at the grocery store and went home to make dinner and watch more of our newly purchased DVDs. Yeah, I'd call that enjoyment.

I forgot to put "Go see Garden State" on my list on Friday, but I did and it was so so so beautifully done. Extraordinary writing, acting, everything. Zach Braff is my new hero. I hereby promise that I will no longer refer to him as "that dorky guy from Scrubs".

As soon as it was over and the credits began rolling, I turned to my husband and said, "Let's see it again." I would have, too. Right then. It was EXCELLENT.

We also made a stop at Blockbuster over the weekend. That is a bad, bad, evil place. They were running a special with 3 previously-viewed DVDs for $25. How could I resist? I ended up getting Hellboy (pretty good), 13 Going on 30 (cute, but corny), Miracle (alright, fine. It was good.), Gothika (sp?), Starsky & Hutch, and crap and damn, I forgot the last one. Of course. (A HA! Edited to add: It's 50 First Dates. I knew I'd remember it sooner or later.) We watched 4 of them so far, and most were pretty good and entertaining at the very least.

Hi. My name is Science Girl and I'm poor. Why? Because I spend my money on stupid shit.

And I am supposed to be an adult? What?


In other news, I still hate my job, but my weight is going down. I've lost 4.5 lbs. so far in 7 days. Go me!!

Food I'm craving: The leftover salmon we have in the fridge downstairs, as soon as I figure out if it's safe to eat


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