08.30.2004 11:17 a.m.
Movie reviews and Time Warp

Ooh! Look at that! The time I started writing this is the same as my birth date. Wacky!

The weekend wasn't too eventful. On Friday night the husband and I smoked a bit and watched Secretary on Video on Demand. I'd heard good things about it, and had been REALLY wanting to see it.

Everyone was right. It was excellent. And just the right amount of saucy. M-ROWR!!

I think I want it on DVD.

It's funny in how many movies James Spader plays a man who gets off on non-traditional things. S&M in Secretary, and car accidents in Crash.

He's sort of sexy, in a strange and creepy way.

I forgot to mention that last week, I watched Igby Goes Down on Video on Demand. (I love VOD. It rocks my socks.)

That's also a great movie. It's definitely a dark comedy or a drama, though. I'm amazed by how well all the Culkin kids seem to act. Kierin is great in this movie.

There are quite a few big names in this one, for being an indie film, too. Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Bill Pullman, Jeff Goldblum and Amanda Peet. I've loved Jeff Goldblum for years and years now, but he did such a good job playing a completely slimy bastard that I don't know if I can ever watch him in a movie without feeling some sort of resonant "ick."

Now I just have to watch Donnie Darko, and I think I'll be caught up to the rest of the human race.


I can't believe how quickly time is flying. The day after tomorrow it will be September. September already! Time has begun moving at warp speed in the last couple of years, I think. On September 21st, my husband and I will have been married for two years. It seems like our wedding was maybe a week ago.

(And I met him three years ago this month. Hooray for whirlwind romances!)

It seems like the next time I look up again it'll be Christmas. Crazy.


Today is Day 1 of the South Beach Diet. I'm hoping it works. All day today I've been craving carbs in various forms. Blueberry muffins. Cakes. Cookies. Doughnuts.

I'm hoping if I stay loyal to the strict phase, I'll actually be able to fit into more of my pants again. *grin* That would be LOVELY!

Well, enough babbling. I'm off to work again.

I hope everyone has a lovely Monday!

Food I'm craving: See entry


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