08.18.2004 8:58 a.m.
Weird searches and Major PAIN

Okay, would whoever has the dentist fetish please GO AWAY?

I've gotten about 25 hits in the last week from someone searching "getting a cavity filled." On about six different search engines.

Either someone has to get a cavity filled, is scared and wants to see what exactly it involves (this is something I do), or someone has some weird sort of dentist fetish. Or there are 25 different people out there searching the same damn thing.


This morning, Callie was so sweet. I was sitting on the toilet for my morning pee, and she came up in front of me, got on her hind legs, put one paw on my knee, and stroked the side of my face with the other.

Either she wanted to bitch slap me like she does to Az, and changed her mind, or she was telling me she forgave me for my kicking her repeatedly this morning. Oops.

Either way, it was sweet.


I finished a painting last night. I rather like it. It's more "modern art-y" than I expected it to be, but all the straight lines make me happy. (It probably pleases the same part of me that gets all excited when I get to mow different patterns in the yard.)

I'll probably post a picture of it at some point, if I get brave, since I'm a picture whore and all. *grin*


*dancing around*

Two more days 'til JournalCon! Two more days 'til JournalCon!

I'd probably better figure out at some point what I'm wearing, and what I should pack. I know I'm not bringing any swag with me. Hmm...


I worked late last night, and went to a Pilates class at my gym.


My entire torso hurts today. As do my thighs, butt, and RIBS.


I knew I was going to like the teacher when she asked if we wanted the fans turned off in the room. (There was a Power Step class in there before us, so they jacked up the air and turned on all the fans.) Someone said, "Well, what do you think?"

She said, "I'm in menopause. I could be in the North Pole and be fine. It's really up to you guys."

There were only six of us in the class, too, which made it really nice. I think I might go again next week. Even though I'm in pain today, at least I know I got a great workout.

Hooray for not being a lazy-ass anymore! (I just wish my weight would go down AT ALL.)

Food I'm craving: almonds


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