08.05.2004 11:24 a.m.
Crap Sleep and Doctor Fun

Last night/this morning for some reason I had horrible dreams about my husband leaving me for a much younger woman, then woke up at 3:30 AM WIDE AWAKE.

I didn't end up getting back to sleep until about 4:50 AM or so.

Therefore, I am quite tired today. I'll just be happy if I don't fall asleep and bang my head on my keyboard.


So, I got to work this morning not even a half hour later. My doctor's appointment was CAKE. She gave me the results of the pathology report (benign, THANK GODDESS!!!). Then she took the stitches out (which was really more "ick" than "ow"), swabbed it with alcohol, and called it good.

She came in again when I was getting dressed to ask about the Wellbutrin, and how it's working for me. I told her it was working well. (Just ask my smiling husband...wink, wink...nudge, nudge...Know wot I mean?)

Good thing she came in then, and not a few minutes before when I was rummaging around in the cabinets looking for a band-aid. *grin*

I don't know what I would have done, apart from standing very still and pretending I was invisible.

Yes, I am three years old. Thank you for asking.

So that's done, and now I'm sitting here waiting for Officemate to get back from lunch so I can go run some errands.

Today, I get to:

*Go to Lowe's to make a copy of our house key for my husband, who gave his to my sister last night so she could check on the cats while we're at JournalCon.

*Go to Target and get new shoes. (The ones I currently have feature insoles that pop out when you turn the shoe upside down as well as an attractive farting noise with every step I take. I am the envy of my entire office, I can tell you.)

*Also at Target, buy more Glucosamine and Chondroitin. My muscles HURT, dammit! That stuff really works!

Food I'm craving: BBQ Pork sandwich. Pancakes. (Not at the same time)


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