08.04.2004 2:16 p.m.
Meeting Friends and Life Changes

I'm meeting friends that I haven't seen in a while tonight for drinks...I'm really looking forward to it! I miss my friends sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love my life the way it is. I just occasionally get busy with stuff, and quality time with friends sort of falls by the wayside.

(I know it's a bad thing. I'm working on it.)

The REALLY crappy part about tonight is that my best friend told me today that she's moving to Texas in September to be with her boyfriend. WAAAAHHH! What will I do without her? She's my guardian angel. My partner in crime. The woman I've known for 20 years now.


I know. I'll live.

In fact, I don't blame her a bit for wanting to move somewhere warmer than Michigan. I'd be out of here in a split second if I could.

I guess I'll just have to go visit her a few times a year, then.

Good thing for frequent flier miles...

Food I'm craving: Pineapple. AGAIN. Dammit!


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