07.20.2004 8:58 a.m.
Baking and Kitty Fun

I was quite the busy bee last night!


*baked two Strawberry Rhubarb pies (one for the potluck at work today, one for home use)

*did a load of laundry

*cleaned about 10 pounds of crap out of my purse

It may not sound like a lot to you, but trust me, it was. Especially when I had a fever and was pretty much exhausted.

Plus, cutting up two pounds of rhubarb and a crapload of strawberries takes quite a while. For me, at least. (I wanted to be sure there wouldn't be any surprises in the pies, like a chunk of my finger or something.)

The kitties took turns laying on the end of the dining room table and watching me, to make sure I was doing everything correctly. When Az was on the table, Callie was mostly lying upside down in the kitchen. Usually inches away from my feet. I think I only stepped on her once, though.

She also spent quite a bit of time making out and frolicking with the catnip pillow that lives in the kitchen. Silly catnip-junkie cat.

She was feeling much better by last night. She ate without it coming back up, and was actually affectionate again. She and Az were even back to chasing each other around and beating each other up.

It's strange...Az must have known that Callie was sick last night. Normally she attacks Callie randomly, but last night she just kept an eye on her.

I'm glad Callie's better. I don't think I'll be giving her Iams Weight Control food again, though. I'll have to see what comes up next on the Wheel Of Catfood.

Well, I'm off to grab a doughnut hole from the kitchen. (Because the granola bar, fruit, and crackers and dip that I've had already just aren't enough.) Hooray for potluck days!!


Food I'm craving: Anything that's currently in the kitchen. And my pie.


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