07.21.2004 9:16 a.m.
Cat acrobatics and Armpit pain

My eyes can barely be convinced to stay open. I guess my husband being gone has other effects besides loneliness and boredom. I'm becoming more of night-owl as well.

Did I really need to stay up until nearly midnight last night?

Why, no. I didn't.

I got sucked in by the computer. Stupid computer.

And now I'm exhausted.

It didn't help that this morning Callie decided her usual "scraching at the side of the bed" wasn't annoying enough.

No, this morning she decided she was an acrobat.

She got up on the bed, and apparently I felt back asleep, because what seemed like seconds later she threw herself at the window facing the front of the house, bounced off, hit the rolling shade JUST RIGHT, and made it *snap!* roll up completely.

She is pure evil.

When she did that, it was about 10 minutes before my alarm was going to go off anyway, so I decided it wasn't worth getting out of bed to throw her downstairs and shut the door.

She may have won this battle, but she hasn't won the war.

Muah ha ha ha!


My right armpit is KILLING ME. Seriously. At this point I might even welcome a needle (pokey thing, as my step-daughter calls it) as long as the syringe held a numbing agent, and it was going to numb my armpit.

I think it's actually my lymph nodes that hurt. I'm not sure whether it's related to the sinus issues and constant sore throat I seem to have lately, or to the mole that will be removed a week from today.

All I know is that it hurts like a bitch, and I'd like it to stop.

Or else I may cry.

Food I'm craving: Nothing but this brownie I'm eating.
Song in my head this morning: "Oh my darling Clementine"


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