07.19.2004 12:39 p.m.
Psycho Drivers and Fun with Kitties

People are driving like freaking psychopaths today!

I took a lunch (holy crap! I didn't eat at my desk for once!) and went to the grocery store to buy the few things I needed to make Strawberry Rhubarb Pie tonight. I'm bringing pie tomorrow for my co-workers farewell potluck lunch. Right.

So I get my stuff, get checked out, etc., and walk outside. There I am, just having stepped out from under the overhang, when this old man with a handicapped sticker on his car comes zooming toward me. If I had walked a couple more steps, I would have gotten run over.

Look, sir, I don't give a good goddamn if you're old and handicapped. That doesn't give you the right to mow over pedestrians whenver you want. You're lucky you were going so fast, or else I would have dragged you out of your car and beaten you.

(Okay. Maybe not. But it sounds more exciting than saying, "I would have said 'gee sir, excuse me'," right?)

Then, I finally get to my car (body fully intact, thank Goddess,) and I'm making my happy way out to the exit of the parking lot. All of a sudden, this GIANT BLUE SUV comes out of nowhere on the right side of me, cuts across my lane of the parking lot, and keeps driving about 45 MPH on their way out of the parking lot.

Um, hello? I know I don't drive an SUV or anything, but it's not like I'm INVISIBLE. Drive at a slow pace down the rows of cars, dumbass.

Long story short (too late), I was lucky to make it back to work alive.


(Warning: This may be offensive. It's definitely gross. Consider yourself warned.)

I'm not sure if Callie was just jealous of the attention that Az was getting when she was sick, or what. Last night after I got home from my lovely meeting with givemeabreak, I was on the couch watching some TV. I go upstairs to get something, and notice Callie trying to "bury" the bathroom rug that we had put in front of the dryer.

I thought, "Oh, shit. What's stinky on there now?"

I go upstairs to get whatever I was getting, and come back down to clean up whatever she's got.

It's poo. Runny poo. All over the rug, and some on the cement floor. I'm cleaning all this up, and cleaning out the litter boxes while I'm at it, when she start puking everywhere.


Now, I'm not sure if it's like in cats nature or what, but for some reason this kitty can not seem to STAY IN ONE PLACE while she's throwing up.

No. She likes to spread it around.

From the one hork, I got to clean up seven different spots. And out of all the cement floor in the basement that she could be puking on, she chooses to yak on the (semi-)new Berber carpet. The only carpet in the entire house that we're not going to rip up in the next couple of years.


Over the course of the evening, I get to clean up about 12 spots. I went to look for her last night, because normally she's in the bedroom when I go to bed, and found her laying in my husband's recliner in the family room (about 15 feet away from her litter box). Good kitty.

She finally came upstairs this morning. I went into the basement to check for ick this morning, and found three small spots. Not bad, I guess.

This afternoon I dropped the groceries off at home during lunch (and checked on her), and found a long spot of I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHAT in the kitchen. That's cleaned up now.

We're nearly out of Resolve carpet cleaner. And we're DEFINITELY going to have to steam clean the downstairs carpet. You can still tell where the stains are.

I'm hoping that her stomach isn't too keen on the Iams Weight Control canned food. I'm not giving her any wet food today, and we'll see how she is tomorrow. If she's still icky, I'll probably call the vet to see if they can figure out what's wrong with her.

Poor kitty.

I just wish someone else was around to clean up after her.

Any volunteers?





Yeah. I didn't think so.

HAPPY MONDAY!! (I hope your day is much less poo- and puke-filled than mine is.)

Food I'm craving: nothing
Song in my head: "Spiderwebs" - No Doubt


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