07.01.2004 9:06 a.m.
Miracles DO happen!

I don't have much time to write today, as it's quarter-end. (Boo! *hiss* *sneer*) I just wanted to share some good news I got last night.

My husband's grandma is going into assisted living!!! Praise Allah! Praise the Sweet Lord! Praise Buddha! Praise anything and everything! It's a MIRACLE!!

After her bypass surgery, she needed pretty much constant care. After that, she fell, and needed pretty much constant care. After that, she just WANTED constant care. If someone wasn't over at her house and visiting/taking care of her, she'd call someone (generally my mother-in-law), and tell her that (insert body part or internal organ here) hurt, and she needed to go to the doctor.

She refused to eat very much, so she was losing quite a bit of weight and strength, thereby making her limited mobility even more limited. Meals on Wheels came to her house, but she'd divide the single meals up into two or more. She refused to cook for herself. She lives in a house with about two acres worth of a yard, which she obviously couldn't mow or take care of herself. One of her sons had to come over and do it.

She wanted to continue to live like this forever. Having someone taking care of everything for her, waiting on her hand and foot, and treating every imagined injury or ache like it was the end of the world.

Somehow, miraculously, someone finally convinced her that assisted living would be a good idea. (I'd been suggesting it for MONTHS.) She'd maintain some independance, but she'd also have someone around to take care of her if she needed it. She could have someone take care of her meals, have a doctor COME TO HER, and have an automatic social circle of her peers.

The place where she will be moving will allow her to live in her own apartment, but also has a doctor that comes out once a week, its own movie theater, its own beauty salon, weekly trips to different fun places, etc. THE PERFECT PLACE. And she'll be moving in as soon as it opens in the fall. Hallelujah!

Jeez, I'm so excited that the situation is finally resolved. Not that I don't ENJOY the attempts to guilt my husband and I into driving an hour and a half both ways in order to visit with her once a week (or however often "good" grandsons and their spouses are supposed to visit), or the repeated calls from my mother-in-law saying, "I can't take this anymore! She's too demanding! She wants me there ALL THE TIME! Does she not understand that I have a JOB and a LIFE?"


Because I thoroughly enjoyed it...about as much as anyone else would.

I'm seriously quite relieved.

One more time...


And now I'm off to spend about 9 hours looking up the balances of "odd funds" (non-automated funds and annuities), and cursing the clients who feel the need to have money in seventeen different companies.


Food I'm craving: nothing
Song in my head: "Volcano" - Damien Rice


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