06.30.2004 10:41 a.m.
Kid Fun and Dog Update

My husband and I went over to my parents' last night to visit with my sister, brother-in-law, nephew and niece. The kids are getting so big, and keep getting cuter by the day!

The best part of last night:

Niece: "Mama! Mama! Mama!"

Sister: "What?"

Niece: "Want Daddy."

a few minutes later...

Niece: "Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!"

Sister: "What?"

Niece: "Want Daddy."

Sister: "So go hound him, then!"


She's such a little stinker.

We'll get to see them again on Saturday, and that time will be with Alex. It's always fun to see them all interact.


So, after getting this e-mail over the weekend:

I expect a call early next week. I'll keep you posted. Meantime, here is the latest adventure:

Irish, aka "Buckethead" is still crashing into walls wearing the lampshade collar on her head. The best is when she wants to play with her toy. She throws it around with her paws, blindly since the collar prevents her from looking down, and then flips it into the collar, where it rolls around and she attempts to bite it. Once she gets it, she flings it out by shaking her head. Repeat. She is determined to make the absolute best out a frustrating recovery.

The real drawback is the amount of bruises I have on my legs. She comes crashing into me when I come home, wanting to greet me but can't get close because of her cone. She knows that if she pushes hard enough the plastic will give and bend and then she can stick her nose in my crotch. Lately she has been getting a running start to make the process even more exciting. Try dodging an 84 pound dog in the confines of a small kitchen. I really do have bruises on both legs.

The other day she walked past the kitchen counter and snagged a dish towel that was hanging over the side. The top of the cone caught it nicely. Everything along the counter was swept and dragged onto the floor. The heavy metal chef's mallet that was out just missed her. She stood at the end of the counter, debris behind her on the floor and still tumbling and looked at me like: "What? You try wearing a bucket on your head. And quit calling me "Buckethead!"

Ah, he's a funny guy.

He FINALLY heard back from the vet last night. He e-mailed me around 10 PM to let me know that the lumps were benign. "They turned out to be epidermal tumors that present no health concerns as long as they are fully removed (which they were). Irish is now a happy dog and doesn't have to wear the bucket anymore."


So now the kitty is doing much better, and the dog is healthy. *sigh* All is right with the world again.

Well, except for the whole country-being-run-by-an-idiot thing.



And now, your moment of Zen...a picture of my twin sister and I with two-month old leopard cubs at Twinsburg when we were about 19 (I'm guessing by the color of my hair). I'm on the left with the burgundy hair, if you were wondering.

Pretty kitties! Want some!!!

Food I'm craving: Nothing. Already eaten fruit and doughnut holes so far today.
Song in my head this morning: That Outkast song about the poo


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